Teaching resources
Find below carefully selected Christian teaching resource packs put together by study topic. These teaching packs are vital materials for the Christian in this time in history.
The teaching you will find within each resource pack is from very credible and anointed Teachers of the Bible created over many years
(C L Parker, Bill Turner, Alistair Hamilton and others, you can read more about these Bible Teachers and explore their websites here).
We urge you to create time together in your church, home fellowship settings or study groups to develop deeper in these subjects with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you are not sure where to start we recommend reading Foundation Truths first by C. L .Parker, as this will help with understanding more of the topics below. Let us move onto the meat of the word together (Hebrews 5:14).
Be built up and strengthened in your Christian walk with these teaching resource packs.
Click these Quick Links to go to the resource pack:
> The Gifts of The Holy Spirit
> The Resurrection of the Dead
> Understanding The Book of Revelation
> Christian Ministry in the Last Days
Christ in Hades
Click to download resources:
1) Christ in Hades - (audio sermon - MP3)
2) The Agonising Sufferings of Jesus in Hades - (full teaching and scriptures - doc)
Fearing God
Click to download resources:
1) The Fear of The Lord - (scriptures to accompany prophetic art drawing below - PDF)
2) 'The Fear of The Lord Eagle' prophetic art work - (pencil drawing - PDF)
Gods Protection
Click to download resources:
1) Gods Protection of His Children - (declaration scriptures for prayer- doc)
2) Gods Providential Protection of His Children and Creation - (full teaching - doc)
3) The Lord of Hosts - (audio sermon - mp3)
4) How do I put on the Whole Armour of God? - (teaching - doc)
Click to download resources:
1) Is the Exorcism of Christians of God? - (teaching - doc)
2) Demon Possession Sermon - (audio - mp3)
Talks on the Holy Spirit
A six part teaching series:
1) Cover Sheet and Index - (doc)
1.1) Talks on the Holy Spirit - Introduction and Course Summary - (teaching- doc)
1.1.1) Why is it important to study the Holy Spirit? - (teaching - doc)
1.1.2) The Names of the Holy Spirit as described in the Old & New Testaments - (teaching - doc)
2) Who is the Holy Spirit? - (teaching - doc)
3) What does the Holy Spirit Do? - (teaching- doc)
4.1) Initiations into Christian Experiences (New Testament Examples) - (teaching - doc)
4.2) How to receive a mighty baptism in the Holy Spirit? - (teaching - doc)
4.3) The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - (Folded A4 (A5 x 4) leaflet doc)
4.4) After the Baptism in the Holy Spirit - 4 pages - (teaching - doc)
5.1) The Value and Use of The Gift of Tongues - (teaching - doc)
5.2) The Value and Use of The Gift of Tongues - (some testimonies - doc)
6) A Brief Study of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (teaching - doc) This topic continues below.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Click to download resources:
1) The Nine Gifts of The Holy Spirit - (teaching - doc)
2) The Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit - (teaching- doc)
3) The Holy Spirits Gifts for Conquering Canaan - (teaching - doc)
4) Spiritual Gifts Sermon - (audio - mp3)
5) Gifts of the Spirit in Faith - (audio - mp3)
The Resurrection of the Dead
Click to download resources:
1) Foundation Truths - The Resurrection of the Dead - (teaching - doc)
2) Scripture Verses by Topic about The Resurrection of the Dead - (teaching - doc)
Eternal Judgement
Click to download resources:
1) Foundation Truths - Eternal Judgement - (teaching - doc)
2) The Issue of Death and Eternal Judgement - (teaching - doc)
3) Original Sin and Eternal Punishment - (downloadable book - doc)
Understanding The Book of Revelation
Click to download resources:
1) Teaching on The Book of Revelation - (teaching - doc)
3) Synopsis of Revelation - (audio - mp3)
4) Audio Teaching on The Book of Revelation - (audio - mp3)
5) The Visions of Daniel and John 2nd Coming - (audio - mp3)
6) The Millennium - (audio - mp3)
1) Chart Of - The End Of This Age, The Millennium And The Ages Of Ages - (illustrations - doc)
2) Daniel & John Visions - (Chart 1 doc)
3) Daniel & John Visions - (Chart 2 doc)
4) Full Study - The Visions of Daniel & John & The End of The World - (study doc)
Christian Ministry in the Last Days
Click to download resources:
1) A Few thoughts in Preparation for Ministry - (audio - mp3)
3) Pray and not Faint - Surviving the Last Days - (audio - mp3)
4) Future Ministry for End Times - (audio - mp3)
5) Christians in the Last Days - (audio - mp3)
6) The Use of the Gift of Tongues during the Great Tribulation - (teaching - doc)
7) How do I put on the Whole Armour of God? - (teaching - doc)
8) Preparation for Ministry in The Light of Last Day Prophetic Truth - (teaching - doc)
The Second Coming of Jesus
Click to download resources:
1) Gods Program for the Second Coming of Christ - (audio - mp3)
2) Second Coming of Christ - (downloadable book - doc)
3) BEWARE! Dont let anyone fool you and lead you astray - (teaching - doc)
4) Looking for and Hastening the coming of the Day of God - (teaching - doc)